What is Safe & Sound Hillsborough?

The Hillsborough County Community Violence Prevention Collaborative (VPC or Collaborative) was created in the summer of 2013 as an initiative to transform the way local policy makers address violence. This initiative shifts policy from a public safety to a public health model and aligns community and professional stakeholders to develop a comprehensive prevention and intervention approach.

Our Vision

Working together to build strong families, safe schools and healthy neighborhoods.


Our Values

Violence is preventable.
Address the gaps to ensure all children and youth have nurturing and supportive families and communities.
Build on strengths of youth, families, professionals and community.
Promote the value of equity and ensure equal opportunities by investing resources where they will have the greatest impact and improving the infrastructure of neighborhoods where social problems have accumulated.
Focus on those at risk due to exposure to child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and community violence.

Our Goals

Support the Health and Well-Being of All Families
Cultivate a Connected Community
Improve Conditions in Neighborhoods Most Impacted by Violence
Coordinate Efforts to Maximize our Impact

How We Got Started

The Hillsborough County Community Violence Prevention Collaborative (VPC or Collaborative) was created in the summer of 2013 as an initiative to transform the way local policy makers address violence. This initiative shifts policy from a public safety to a public health model and aligns community and professional stakeholders to develop a comprehensive prevention and intervention approach…

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What is Safe & Sound Hillsborough?

The Hillsborough County Community Violence Prevention Collaborative (VPC or Collaborative) was created in the summer of 2013 as an initiative to transform the way local policy makers address violence. This initiative shifts policy from a public safety to a public health model and aligns community and professional stakeholders to develop a comprehensive prevention and intervention approach.

Our Vision

Working together to build strong families, safe schools and healthy neighborhoods.


Our Values

Violence is preventable.
Address the gaps to ensure all children and youth have nurturing and supportive families and communities.
Build on strengths of youth, families, professionals and community.
Promote the value of equity and ensure equal opportunities by investing resources where they will have the greatest impact and improving the infrastructure of neighborhoods where social problems have accumulated.
Focus on those at risk due to exposure to child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and community violence.

Our Goals

Support the Health and Well-Being of All Families
Cultivate a Connected Community
Improve Conditions in Neighborhoods Most Impacted by Violence
Coordinate Efforts to Maximize our Impact

How We Got Started

The Hillsborough County Community Violence Prevention Collaborative (VPC or Collaborative) was created in the summer of 2013 as an initiative to transform the way local policy makers address violence. This initiative shifts policy from a public safety to a public health model and aligns community and professional stakeholders to develop a comprehensive prevention and intervention approach…

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Our Values

Violence is preventable.
Address the gaps to ensure all children and youth have nurturing and supportive families and communities.
Build on strengths of youth, families, professionals and community.
Promote the value of equity and ensure equal opportunities by investing resources where they will have the greatest impact and improving the infrastructure of neighborhoods where social problems have accumulated.
Focus on those at risk due to exposure to child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and community violence.

Our Goals

Support the Health and Well-Being of All Families
Cultivate a Connected Community
Improve Conditions in Neighborhoods Most Impacted by Violence
Coordinate Efforts to Maximize our Impact

How We Got Started

The Hillsborough County Community Violence Prevention Collaborative (VPC or Collaborative) was created in the summer of 2013 as an initiative to transform the way local policy makers address violence. This initiative shifts policy from a public safety to a public health model and aligns community and professional stakeholders to develop a comprehensive prevention and intervention approach…


WaveMakers: Freddy Barton of Safe & Sound Hillsborough

WaveMakers: Freddy Barton of Safe & Sound Hillsborough

Freddy Barton, executive director of Safe and Sound Hillsborough, a community-based intervention program intended to prevent violence in Hillsborough County joined WaveMakers on April 19. Listen to Full Show & Read WMNF WaveMakers Article Photo Credit: WMNF...

What's Happening Now

2021-2022 Annual Report & Operational Update

2021-2022 Annual Report & Operational Update

The past year has been filled with many challenges on multiple levels, from a community still reeling to the lives lost and affected by COVID-19, to the distressing spike in gun violence, to rising costs and economic uncertainty. Yet the work continued. We maximized...

Teen charged in shooting of unmarked patrol car

Teen charged in shooting of unmarked patrol car

"Freddy Barton, executive director of Safe and Sound Hillsborough, said young people getting involved in gun violence is a growing concern. As a father of two, Barton said he's concerned about their safety and welfare which is why he works with youth in Hillsborough...

Social Media

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