Tampa Teens
Protecting Students from Predators
Florida ranks 3rd in the nation in cases reported to the human trafficking hotline. The average age of youth trafficked in the state is 11 to 13 and up to 70% of exploitation begins online. To address the problem, Florida Department of Education passed a rule requiring K-12 schools to teach child trafficking prevention.
Aware that children spend a fraction of their lives online, a team of high school and college students collaborated with their former teacher to design social media safety lessons to ensure students stay safe while navigating social media and online gaming. The lessons not only create awareness of how predators lure children but explain what they can do to prevent being extorted and exploited.
There are separate lessons for elementary, middle, and high school students presented in an interactive video fromat addressing:
- Tactics predators use
- The reason to delete all unknown friend request
- The importance of connecting with a trusted adult NOW
- Stages of human trafficking and strategies to avoid being exploited (High School)
Before you get started! Please download the directions and an overview of the Tampa Teens interactive videos and tell us about your outreach.
6th Grade Lesson: Protecting Students from Predators
High School Lesson: Trafficking Prevention
High School Lesson en Espanol
For More Info
Email tampateens1@gmail.com
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