Congratulations to Safe & Sound Hillsborough\’s Executive Director Freddy Barton for being honored today by the Juvenile Justice Board, Circuit Thirteen as the 2022 recipient of the Julianne M. Holt Service Excellence Award.
Annually, the Board recognizes an outstanding individual working within the Juvenile Justice System who has exhibited an unwavering commitment to serving vulnerable at-risk youth and their families with a goal of transforming their lives for the better. These individuals are the volunteers, mentors, and agency staff members who see the potential of what lies beneath in the most vulnerable and at-risk and go above and beyond in their dedication to serving Hillsborough\’s youth.
“It is an honor to be recognized for the work being done at our Reporting Center, working hard to help our young men in the juvenile justice system turn their lives around, and for our efforts to help reduce gun violence,” said Freddy Barton. “I am thankful for the staff that help make things happen, our Leadership Council that provided guidance and accountability, our community partners that are unwavering in their support, and most of all, our youth for trusting us when they have been let down time and time again. The work is far from over and we have much more to do. But, TOGETHER, the Village will win!”
The goal of the Reporting Center is to deliver educationally focused programming and services with structured activities (pursuant to a youth’s court order) that prevent recidivism and ensure continued participation in any resources offered.
Youth are court ordered to attend the Reporting Center and must live in Hillsborough County, have committed a non-violent offense and cannot be a danger to themselves or the community.
LtoR: Chief Operations Officer Rocky Brancato, Hillsborough County Public Defender, Court Administrator Gina Justice, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Communications & Programs Manager Sammecia Bagley, Safe & Sound Hillsborough, Executive Director Freddy Barton, Safe & Sound Hillsborough, Program Administrator Rosalie Smith, Safe & Sound Hillsborough, Hillsborough County Public Defender Julianne M. Holt, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
For more information visit or contact 813-327-8317.
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