Kevin Beckner Community Builder Award

Safe & Sound Hillsborough (S&SH) and the FBI Tampa Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBITCAAA) partners annually to help reduce and prevent the spread of community violence by honoring those that have gone above and beyond to keep their neighborhoods safe. Individuals that have demonstrated exemplary grass roots leadership are recognized with the Kevin Beckner Community Builder Award.

The FBITCAA is a non-profit organization and is separate and distinct from the FBI.

Nominees for the award may be volunteers or members of a recognized organization who demonstrate selfless dedication to improving the quality of life in their community. A mini-grant of up to $750 is awarded on behalf of each awardee to “pay it forward” to a community project of their choice.

Click the button below to nominate your community hero today!

2019 Community Builders

Jacqueline Coffie Leeks
Ricky Coronado
Bethany McNeil
Brian NeSmith