Early Childhood Education

Safe & Sound Hillsborough and the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County partnered to host a virtual film screening and panel discussion of No Small MatterThe documentary explores the most underestimated and powerful force for change in America today: early childhood education.

No Small Matter

Panel Discussion

Following the screening, Safe & Sound Hillsborough’s Executive Director Freddy Barton, moderated a virtual discussion with a panel of experts and advocates to discuss the overwhelming evidence for the importance of the first five years, and how failure to act on that evidence has resulted in an everyday crisis for American families.

Featured Panelist:
Stevonia Dixon, Florida Department of Education School Improvement Specialist for Southwest Region
Angela Chowning, Program Manager Hillsborough County Child Care Licensing
Attorney Edwin Narain, Board Chair Children’s Board of Hillsborough County


Download the Early Childhood Education Resource Sheet

A Sneak Peek at No Small Matter | The game-changing documentary on early learning

Covid-19 Critically Impacts Early Childhood Education

Learn more about how you can advocate for children, families, and providers struggling as a result of the COVID crisis: www.nosmallmatter.com/take-action www.facebook.com/nosmallmatter www.twitter.com/nosmallmatter