Safe & Sound Hillsborough Blog

Finance Committee – August Meeting

The Finance Committee is scheduled at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016 located at the Children’s Board of Hillsborough County, 1002 East Palm Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605. Viagra ohne männer, die erektionsprobleme haben, sollten sie einen der oben genannten....

PCPD Officer Priscilla Clark

PCPD Officer Priscilla Clark

Freddy Barton, who heads an agency that seeks to curb violence and otherwise improve neighborhoods, said his job would be much more difficult without police Officer Priscilla Clark. Clark, whose duties include community outreach and crime prevention, has been instrumental in Hillsborough Safe and Sound’s efforts to encourage youngsters to stay in school and stay […]


In recent days, people throughout our nation have despaired as they have witnessed acts of violence in the news and wondered “What can be done?” A group of community leaders in Hillsborough County called Safe & Sound has attempted to answer that question by helping to create small, neighborhood-based programs to bind communities together and […]

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